Clause 1. Eligibility of membership - This Lottery site is only available to people who are legally able to participate. People who are of under age of 16 are not eligible for membership due to security precautions that can result as of those members. No one associated with or employed by and can take part in any of the lotteries. If you do not meet these requirements, you are not eligible to use our services.
Clause 2. We only provide services to people interested in entering into a lottery. We are not responsible for typographical errors, misprints, damage or failure of equipment, due to your visit to this site. Use of this site is entirely at your own risk, and content is presented 'As-Is'.
Clause 3. Entry into a Lottery/s is entirely at the users risk, entry to the games is only available to registered users.
Clause 4. The Lottery is NOT free to play, there are bound to be winners and losers.
Clause 5. A valid Paypal Account is required. (Paypal charges apply) these payments are made in US dollars, this meets the current requirements of UK rules governing gaming via the internet, however the players accounts are maintained in Pounds Sterling for ease of use.
Clause 6. Payments - Payments to the Lottery organiser must be made at the time of entry into the Lottery and must be verified.
Clause 7. Payout - Payouts will take place immediately upon confirmation of all subscriptions any fraudulent misuse will render the user/s registration terminated, and any winnings will be forfeited. Winners will be paid either by Paypal or by cheque at the and discretion (to maximise any promotional prospects) to the registered postal address.
Clause 8. Registrants using the same IP address can be located by the software and will have their registration terminated.
Clause 9. De-registration - players who wish to de-register may do so at any time, by sending a support ticket to and, any account balance will be reimbursed less any actual costs incurred (i.e. Paypal etc).
Clause 10. Privacy - Personal information is not sold, rented, or used in any way. except for communication with and or promotion of the site. You will not be e-mailed by us for purposes other than those associated with the promotion of this site, it is a requirement for promotional purposes that and may publish enough information to reasonably identify winners, i.e. first letter of surname and Town only unless otherwise agreed
Clause 11. Warranty - we provide this website, without a warranty or condition. and is not liable for any damages resulting in a Lottery entry, use of this site or any of its components, add-ons or support programmes or your visit to the site, or associated gaming modules.
Clause 12. No part of this site may be reproduced in any way, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the site owners. Use of any index or listing of software for the purpose of constructing a mailing list, creating promotional materials or producing a printed or electronic catalogue of any kind is expressly forbidden without the prior written permission of the owners of the site.
Clause 13. We are committed to the Gambling Commissions guidelines with regard to sensible codes of practice, we fully support the protection of the young and vulnerable in society, it is with this in mind that a self regulating system built into our lotteries means that no one can spend more than the entry fee to each lottery more than once per lottery.
Clause 14 . Reservation - and reserve the right to add to or alter these terms without notice. Please check them regularly.
By ticking the box on the 'REGISTRATION' page you are accepting our Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them.